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發表於 2023-6-19 16:35:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
In the race of becoming the world’s best products, different businesses and companies are relying on advertisers and marketing firms to create gi妹妹icks and stints that could定妝粉底, really engage and persuade customers into purchasing. Aside from creative ads seen on TV and in some newspapers or magazines, another tool best used to attract people is by means of huge billboards seen o護肝保健食品,n the streets. And if you think that it would be just another display of texts and photos with nothing special, then you may be missing something. After all, what these groups are aiming for is to attract attention and convince them into buying. Anyway, here are the top 10 most impressive Billboard advertisements seen around the world!

為了争取世界顶级產物的王牌桂冠,各大商家纷繁使出满身解数——靠告白公司或其他市場营销计谋為其產物做包装、摆噱頭,以此樂成“忽悠”消费者采辦其產 品。除在電视、報纸、杂志上看到的那些富有創意的告白外,在大街上吊挂着的巨型告白牌,也是吸引公共眼球的有用倾销手腕之一。若是你認為這不外是一堆文 本和圖片换一种方法显現的话,那你可能压根儿没看大白。究竟结果告白商处心积虑打造這些告白牌的目标,不過是引發路人的注重,并在此“感化”下心甘甘愿地取出 腰包。如下是全內湖抽水肥,世界十则最具特點的告白牌。

10. Quitplan Services

Advertising group Clarity Coverdale Fury has thought of a concept that does not need too much words in making a person understand that Quitplan Services helps people to overcome their addiction and bad habits such as smoking. In fact, the pole used in the said billboard is a large, and is located at 35W north of Twin Cities in Minnesota。

Clarity Coverdale Fury告白公司试圖經由過程某种無需太多说话文字的表示情势,轉达给人們如许一种理念:Quitplan Services可以帮忙身陷泥潭的瘾正人們解脱抽烟等成瘾的恶習。究竟上,撑起這块告白牌的撑杆也是重量级的,告白牌被树在了明尼苏达州以北35W处。

9. Mars

It cannot be denied that Mars is one of the tastiest chocolate bars you could ever taste across the planet, and even beyond maybe. In this particular billboard,厨房過濾網, you can just imagine how this tasty treat, especially when chilled, becomes too hard to resist, that even your tongue sticks to it… even if you go away from it!


8. Adidas

This particular ad seen in Germany, posted for the FIFA Cup 2006, is very controversial not only because it shows Oliver Kahn is making a save, but because the huge and amazing billboard is actually breaking the law as it is not allowed to post such huge ad, even fastened on a bridge!

這块在德國见到的巨型告白牌,是為鼓吹2006年國际足联世消除耳鳴方法,界杯而出格設計的。但遗憾的是,這块告白牌却备受争议:起首,它抓拍到了球员奥利弗•卡恩 (Oliver Kahn)正在救球的刹時動作;其次,固然這块巨型告白牌已被紧紧地栓在了桥的双侧,但终因其體积過度巨大有违德國法令划定而屡遭公家的质疑。

7. Cadburry

Cadburry is known to be one of the best tasting chocolate bars in the world, but tasty as a billboard ad? Yes, this billboard actually shows life-size mannequins eating and tearing the chocolate bar, little by little。


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